Early, Early Morning In the Guest Room At My Mom's

Our daughter Shayla (almost 4 yrs. o.) has always gotten up early (by our standards), but this is doubly so when we are at Nana and Risa's (my mom and her partner's) place and her cousin Garrett is sleeping over as well in another part of the house.

Shayla says this morning at first light "I think I hear Garrett playing out in the living room!" I listen attentively for a moment... "No, you don't. There's no one out there. Lay back down and go to sleep." She resists, but eventually gives in. This goes on and on every 30 minutes or so until I've finally had enough and get up with her 2 hours later, at which point, there actually was someone up.

The funny thing about this was that my Mom and Risa said the exact same thing was going on with Garrett this morning in their room.

Funny: kids and their denial of sleep and their perpetual push to play in concert with those parental figures like unto us who look forward to sleep as if it was some kind of vacation in the Bahamas; a comedic combination it is.