Bearing Witness to The Development of My Child: PRICELESS.

There are days where you notice that the pace of your young child's development is just shooting skywards with all guns ablaze with every streaming color of the rainbow as she ascends to the Heavens in another Mark on the Chalkboard of the Gods of Creation. Their success bearing Truth in the sweet innocence of a bright, loving daughter of their own happens also to Be a Blessing of Mine and a Wondrous Light in my Life.

I cannot say it enough, nor is it possible to express with all the words in this English language the Love and Wonder I feel as this child grows more and more into a fully functioning person with whom I can relate and is So Close to My Heart. The Process of This Development is Priceless, I must say. ....So Beautiful and So Incredible. .....Weather of life comes and is true....., but at the end of the day all that I have is Thanks and Praise.