I Smile When I See Other Parents Having A Hard Time...

....but it's only out of a since of camaraderie and community togetherness and support. That sounds adequate.... I think that's even like,...justification. Thank God I'm not alone.
Other people here at the park are chasing their kids around with just as much of a frantic nature as I. Some of them are not even pleased about it, again like me. I'm feeling better and better about this the more I talk about this observation.

I thought I was just not a suitable parental type, but I can see that I am not crazy after all or at least not alone. :)

Sugar is Not Part of The Food Pyramid

I can so now relate to all those deceptive strategies that you see exemplified in commercials about disguising the beneficial components of a meal. While my daughter loves fresh fruit and raw vegetables she still asks for things like brownies, cookies and crackers when she's hungry.

We dissuade her from these by only allowing them once she has eaten what we can consider to be food. It's a constant struggle however, and quite enervating. Also, one must teach things like finishing one piece of fruit before beginning another, etcetera. It's quite enervating. It's amazing how literally Everything must be taught. Everything.

Why isn't more of this stuff hardwired? Good question. I am constantly wondering this myself. I have come to quietly believe that it is the Creator's little joke on us parents. Believe it or not I find myself more accepting of it that way. :)