Maybe there IS a symbiotic relationship born of evolutionary dictation between the shuffling step of the aged & t...

Maybe there IS a symbiotic relationship born of evolutionary dictation between the shuffling step of the aged & the devil-may-care scattered toy reality of the toddler population of the world. Think about it. How many adults have had to visit the ER as a result of those lovely little cast aluminum miniature Matel classic roadsters strewn about the wood or tile floor?! Rabbits and clothes hangers aren't the only things that multiply when you turn your head!

There's No Time Like Right Now!

My Daughter(3years, 9 mos.): I need help putting on this dress! Me: Can you wait 'till I'm done going to the bathroom?(in process) Her: No!! Me: Well, you'll have to figure it out yourself then... Her: No, I won't!! Me: Ok. Well, I don't know what to tell you. If there's some invisible friend out there, ask them to help you put it on. Her: I need help now!! (whining) Me to Self: (Welcome to the world where you sometimes have to wait for things. :) ) Her: (Frustrated complaining.) Me: I'll be out shortly. Just hold on.