A Calm Child of 35 Months?

My child is calm this morning so I can't help but think back to figure out what went into this glorious outcome.
Her diet and getting her to eat the things that are Actually good for her as opposed to the processed, sugar coated and filled snacks (non-foods) that she is so drawn is definitely the major factor in her energy and state of mood. That much is very clear. You get a totally different kind of kid if you just give her whatever she wants for breakfast as opposed to the healthful options. If she has free reign she will eat a kind of granola bar that is more akin to desert than anything else. She will drink (goat's) milk and eat these 'desert' snacks to her heart's content, if she is allowed, thus never really being hungry for 'real' food.
This morning all she has had thus far is an orange and a tangerine. The orange was cut into bite-size pieces and the tangerine she ate as is, that being small enough for her. That is, of course sugar, but it's in nature's form with nothing at all added. That has something to do with it, I'm sure. Even juice out of a store bought container is inferior to the fiber and unprocessed sugar of whole fruit. This will no doubt help with her bowels also. (Sorry, folks. I know that many of you are tired of hearing about bowels and poop and movements, etceteree, etceteraa, but as a father of a 3 year old these things just come with the territory...period. :) )
One of the main challenges with these little people is that they can be So Picky about even the textures, smells and the colors of the foods they consume that it can be very difficult to get good stuff 'down the gullet' without a domestic 'war' taking place, which doesn't do any good for anyone. Their fancy for certain foodstuffs can change several times in One Day even. "What? You liked bananas a few hours ago and now you've sworn them off", I say? "Un huh", she says. "Why", I say?
"I don't know. I just don't like them anymore; they're yucky".
Another thing that Christina and I are learning from this process is not to show exaggerated excitement when she is eating well because this can throw a wrench in to the works and cause everything to come to a screeching halt because, let's face it kids will use any leverage they've got. I know I would! "(Whispering) Don't look now, but she's actually eating ____and____. Good deal. Let's not show our approval or it might mess with the Quantum flow. Don't show any emotional charge or interest whatsoever" , we warn ourselves. It's funny (except on days that it isn't :) ), but the act of eating really turns out to be a game of leverage play, except for when they're about to 'starve' which makes them succomb to the law of the land, which is rare because they try hard as hell not to get to that point, which by the way is a game unto itself.
The upshot is that we try our darndest to do the best we can, but boy what a difference it makes in her behavior when we succeed at our close monitoring strategy and get good food down her without the processed white sugar for even a day. She's a different kid. It makes you seriously consider the legitimacy of some of those 'white sugar' conspiracy theories. :)

A Personality that Lives Up to The Family Name

The joy and pleasure I get from watching my 35 mo. old daughter develop and change into a little person with a full repetoir of personality traits, opinions and ideas is hard to describe. It's a kind of joy that one doesn't usually experience in connection with stubbornness or strong willful desire, but I smile as I know that these are signposts of developing personality and self concept. These are probably things that only a dad or a mom would really internally applaude.
Daily, of course, I hold the unexpireable option to be frustrated by these same things, and I take myself up on it, sometimes hourly. For now, I smile internally even if on occasion I frown on the outside. :) ...Row, row, row yer boat gently down the stream....Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream......

Shayla's Still Getting the Hang of It...

I thought this was a really cute pic of Shayla trying to dress herself last night. Her mother took this and sent me a copy and I couldn't resist sharing it. This is how she attempts to get her head through the neckline of her shirts and dresses. She's totally consistent about it, I'll give her that! Each and Every time we have to rewind it a bit here and place the opening at her crown and show her how you have to pull it evenly down from there. She still chooses the hard road, but it sure looks cute, and what the heck if it stretches out the neck a bit. It makes the next step that much easier. :) Getting dressed: a journey in process and balance. :)