Kid free Time or Sleep...?

This is the question that I ask myself daily around midday to early afternoon. It's usually an easy one as I can almost always go for a little more sleep. However, on a day like today when the sun is shining , the temp pleasant and the wind on a hiatus I have to grab my journal and head outside.
  It seems that a lot about parenting has to do with time management. It makes the time that you do have to yourself all the sweeter. Cherish the moments, right? At times I can't wait 'to get away' to have some time alone, but then within about half an hour I'm missing my child.
  Love is some Amazing stuff!
A truly humble person knows how vain they are...that is humility.

Shayla with Tree and Tanya

My Two year old is yearning for the day that she can climb this tree by herself. Lucky for me that today is not that day! She's certainly brave though,I'll give her that. She resisted getting off the tree,but we had our way. Dad can only stand a few moments of that kind of suspense....