A Tribute To Grandmas and Grandpas!

Thanks be to the grandmothers of the world that gives us parents a reprieve to be autonomous adults again if even only for an evening or afternoon or weekend. Or month. No,just kidding. Haha :) . Seriously grandmothers are the Bedrock,as well as grandfathers,of The Family. I would be,as a person as well as a parent,in a world of a different place without them. God Bless the Grandparents! It's not just about helping with the 'raising' of the grandkids,but also about where I as an adult have come from. It's a time reference 'in living color' to have 3 generations together living,loving,and growing through thick and thin. This must be part of what it means to be alive. It's Beautiful and I think that there is no substitute for this kind of Life--The Good Life....Family Life :).
 God Bless Granparents for the Invaluable Support and Asistance they provide in So Many ways: philosophical,emotional,intellectual,and not the least of which for me,financial,at times. They knit the Family together just as kids are always said to do,which is,of course true as well.
  Family is part of The Sacred Hoop of Life just as All Things Are,but Family Holds a Place of Specialness because Everything Else involving humans comes from this Sacred Circle--This Basic Structure of Human Life...and It/We could not Survive without GRANDMAS and GRANDPAS.
 Thanks Be for the Grandmas and Grandpas of The World!
Love...it uses fewer muscles and has a better Return.

Shayla playing Catch

She's finally got it! Now she's catching and throwing like a fiend....Just beware for What she chooses to throw. She's pretty good about that,but occasionally she tries to throw something that's not meant for the sport of catch.

Love...it uses fewer muscles and has a better Return.

Bill Cosby's Familial Humor

Bill Cosby's humor has been echoing ever stronger in my head in the last few years since my daughter was born. The events that transpire in raising a child are really comical,but I find that you have to be willing to see it in that way and it certainly helps when you do! Even as a parent of one I realize that many things that parents of 2 or more have to work thru on a daily basis are things of which I know nothing about but that is not to say that to raise one is a breeze. To raise one child as opposed to two is probably not half the responsibility,but it surely must be easier. Bill says "if you have only one child then you are not really a parent because too many things are left out". Of course he says this with his quirky smile... I can say for sure that it makes you grow up, there's no doubt about that. It's joyous,funloving,and a very strong mirror. "If you have only one child and something breaks in the house you Know who did it" he goes on to say. "...you don't have to go through "Aye aye aye aye aye? (shoulders shirking)"" or the "Will you Stop Touching Me?/But You Touched Me First!" kind of thing.. Anyway, I used to think his humor was funny to begin with,but in light of reality it's way beyond funny,it's hillarious!

 Feed your Head good things...