Fun With Cousins

Wow. It's really nice to have two boys, one 5 and one 3 (yrs. old) for Shayla to play with this holiday weekend! :) These are two cousins of her's. She is loving the companionship and we are loving watching it happen. :)

They say there's strength in numbers. That's true, even if there's not an ounce of common sense between them. :) At least there's three adults to look for the signs if bourgeoning mischief. Has there been? Oh Yes! There have already been more than a few instances where we protected them from accidentally inflicting harm on themselves or each other. And, I also must point out that the above mentioned gang is comprised of two boys and one girl......Enough said. :)

Watching My Daughter Play With Her Cousin Garrett

There is nothing like watching the enjoyment that my (almost) 4 year old toddler, Shayla, gets out of the companionship and comraderie of her so far, closest cousin Garrett who is just a little over a year her senior. They are bonded like two little dolls that are 'super glued' at the hip. It's precious to say the least!

It's beautiful how children do not disguise or cloud their true intent or emotion: so pure, whether of a joyous or pain filled drive. There's something really beautiful and precious about that. As adults, we get conditioned to mask things in the name of operability and in the goals of 'the big picture'. There is though, a purity and a beauty in the 'full disclosure' that is a tenet of a child's world.

Watching the free flowing love and affection between these two kids is a big teacher for us big kids donning our big people's clothes.