My Almost 4 Year Old Daughter Is Becoming More and More Fun As She Gets Older

I'm not a bad dad for saying that, although when I step back and look at it it seems a little odd. It IS true however, in my opinion and in my experience. I've written about this from time and time and I am sure that these moments of developmental pleasure as the father of a young daughter will not stop, until of course the pre-pubescent years, which do not lend themselves to tall tales of pleasure for the parents of young ladies. "Maybe mine will be different.?", I say to myself in unison with all little girl's fathers in that special anthem of a Father's prayer. Maybe, maybe not. We'll cross that bridge when... For now, the joys of development multiply into wondrous little discussions about the physics of the universe,....and why we Have to stop at red lights,......and why some dogs have spots and some don't, and why gravity never takes a off.

Why, why, why, why, why????
"I don't know Shayla. Just Because...", I say at the end of the end of the cul-de-sac of all explanation.

"C'mon Daddy! Yes you Do Know!", she says with ultimate conviction. "Wow! What an ego stroker you are!", I think to myself. I think....I am going to soak this up. *wink*

Ingenious Breakfast Suggestions

My toddler is so cute how she offers her daily breakfast solutions like...cookies and soy milk, or crackers and Nutella. Cute, but this is a no fly zone kiddo. You'll have to stay On the planet and have some some fruit and oatmeal or peanut butter toast. :) Good try. Also, here's kuddos to your persistence in the matter. :) Love ya!