"You're Only 3, Right?"

This morning was another one of those days that the parents of young children are all too familiar with where your child wakes up a good two years, or seemingly so, down the developmental track.

It's one of those things that brings a smile to your face when your child is like..three, and you realize that conversational skills are actually starting to take hold with all the parental perks attached like not having to repeat yourself 5x over for any statement or question you put forward. Wow, is that a nice phase to see start to change! At this point, I would be totally excited at the prospect of only having to repeat myself twice on average, instead of the staple 3 to 4 times.

This morning Shayla woke up calm, in a good mood, and co-operative: a winning combination and joined with this jump in obvious communication skills I was just waiting for someone to pinch me or wake up from this dream where everything was going my way. Then I realized that hey, my child is really growing up. She's becoming a little girl. Today she happens to be a little girl who's calm and well mannered. She's always smart, but the calm and well mannered part is kind of like ice cream, you don't get it everyday, but boy it sure is nice when you do and ice cream or not she's growing like a weed and developing like gangbusters. Hoorah!!

A Time Warp

I remember when Shayla was shorter than the height of the mailbox in this little plastic play-set and now she's like a giant when she walks up to it. I can see that we're going to have to pass on several of these toys in the near future. She's grown that much in the past year to year and a half.
Also, we need to visit our back yard more often. It's like a jungle back here. We spend most of our outside time on our front porch.